
Geo-Archaeology Investigations and Sensitivity Studies have significantly changed how we approach collecting information from archaeological sites. With this new technology we can now significantly improve the range and how we collect data facilitating our ability to successfully interpret archaeological sites and create models.

Graphics and Illustrations

In the early 1980 Patti was accepted as freelance member of the Guild of Scientific Illustrators for the Smithsonian Institute. She has worked for various agencies, archaeologists, anthropologists, historians and novelists and her work has been published by various university press agencies. Eduard Sapir’s Notes (C. Fowler), William Z. Park’s Ethnographic Notes…(C. Fowler 1989), Photographs by John F. Hillers (D. Fowler 1989), An Ethnographic Study in Stillwater Marsh (C. Fowler 1992), Glen Canyon Country, Personal Memoirs (D. Fowler 2011), Laboratory of Anthropology (D. Fowler 2010), Jack Longstreet and Goldfield (S. Zanjani 1988, 1992), Essays in Basque Social Anthropology and History (W. Douglass 1989), Julio Cesar Arana (W. A. Douglass, 2019), Isabel Kelly’s Southern Field Notes 1932-1934 (C. Fowler 2016) and on early Dam’s in the Colorado River Basin (D. Fowler 2016) and several other works.

In addition, Patti was invited to be Junior editor in the Cultural Resource Management (CRM) in the Great Basin: What Have We Learned, Part II (A. Baldrica, P. DeBunch and D. Fowler, eds., 2016) published by the University of Utah Press. 

Her most recent work as an illustrator includes; Dutton’s Dirty Diggers (C. Fowler 2020) and A Marriage Out West: Theresa and Frank Russell’s Explorations in Arizona, 1900-1903 (T. Russell, N. Parezo and D. Fowler, 2020). Her work has been published by University of Nevada-Reno Press, University of Arizona, University of Utah Press, USFWS, the Smithsonian Institute Press and the Center for Basque Studies Press-UNR.

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